Post 2

Write about:
- your dream jobs when you were a child
- other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university
- what made you decide in the end
- your experience at university until now
- the kind of job you would like to have


Well, everytimes is difficult write about me. But here we go

When i was a little girl, play with my friends. We imagine a be dancers, singers, painter or actor and actress. In the playground ours theachers put the radio, and we dance. Many times, in the festival of the school be organized sing, music or theatre presentations. I have always liked the arts that show the corporal movement, feelings, emotions, and the different dimentions of the humans. 

When i was teenage, my options of career was theatre, psychology or lawyer. Dissmised be actress because the place of the theatre in this country is very hard in economic terms. And my family don´t haved money for pay this career, they droped me and redommended other option. So I was interested in laws, i liked think in help the people defeseless, i wached documentary of the lawyers squad against of the discriminate homosexual in soldiers of the army USA, this film was inspirational.

Finaly I decide for Pychology, because my career is very diverse. I can work with diferents topics: mental health, sociology, arts, community, law, etc. Pychololy take on all before in my life. Is the career more vesatil that know
. Besides, my experience in the university is beautiful, I learn every day about the human mind, arts, groups and social behaviour, and diferents things. I have good maks, friends, and I studying in the prestigious institution :)

I would like to have a work connected with the culture, and arts. Maybe in the ministry of culture, arts and national patrimony, ONU women, PNUD, or any organization with tematics of culture, society, and human development. 


  1. Even if an actress career is underrated, It's a nice profession. Never is too late to get back the ambition

  2. That movie sounds interesting, what is the name?
    When I was looking for careers to study I also thought in psychology, haha.

  3. oh, is very cool tu post! I would like in the future to have a friend that be minister of culture (: !


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